

Attracting 和 retaining quality talent is a common struggle among most employers.  在拥有 失业率是过去50年来最低的 是一件好事, that also means that the pool of available c和idates is smaller 和 more competitive.  If you also consider that the median employee tenure is relatively short, 4.男性3年,男性4年.女性0岁 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, it really speaks to the importance of not just attracting talent, but keeping the talent you have.  除了更高的工资, 雇主可以提供什么来帮助他们实现这一目标, 不用倾家荡产?


While the two may sound identical, t在这里 is a subtle difference.  好处 are typically forms of non-cash compensation that cover basic needs.  If they weren’t provided by the employer, the employee would likely have to fund them on their own.  Examples include health insurance, paid time off, retirement savings, 和其他人.  津贴, 另一方面, are typically desirable additions to an employee’s salary 和 benefits package, 但不被认为是必要的.  福利可能包括可以在家工作, 灵活的工作时间表, 或者随意的着装要求.  While both are useful tools in helping to attract 和 retain talent, 当然有不同的价格标签.


虽然很多津贴和福利都很重要, 提供健康保险对员工来说是最重要的, 和 当然是最昂贵的 (好像你需要一个参考).  不幸的是, 我们都很清楚, the cost of providing health insurance is rising at an unsustainable rate.  Pharmacy in particular is one of the biggest cost drivers in the American healthcare system 和 especially employers, 与 over $330 billion spent in 2017, 和 private health insurance making up 42% of that cost.  So how can employers still provide good health insurance to their employees but keep the costs low?

一种方法, 有些人会认为这是唾手可得的成果, would be to ensure that your formulary doesn’t include low-value drugs.  Below are examples of eight drugs that account for 21% of savings in a recently conducted 研究 通过联邦基金.  These drugs could be name br和s of drugs that have cheaper generics, 联合药物是更便宜的替代品吗, or just a newer version of an old drug that essentially does the same thing.


正规澳门赌场app提供 右Rx程序, which is a pharmacy overlay that works behind the scenes to identify lower-cost versions of drugs your employees are taking, 和 then contacts the employee’s provider on their behalf to recommend a change.  This program has a guaranteed return-on-investment 和 users of the program typically see pharmacy savings between 8-10%.

也, 如果您正在使用“三大”pbm(快速脚本)之一, CVS健康, 或OptumRx),而不是透明的, 100%传递PBM, in the words of Lauren Vela of the Pacific Business Group on Health at the 2019 医疗圆桌会议, “你的交易不划算。”.  The 正规澳门赌场app is looking into providing transparent PBM options to our members that will significantly save money on pharmacy costs.

雇主 also have a much greater opportunity to save money on providing health insurance to their employees by becoming self-insured rather than being fully-insured, 如果可能的话.  The 正规澳门赌场app now offers an employee benefit captive that allows small to mid-sized employers to enjoy all the benefits of being self-insured (access to data, 方案设计灵活性, 更大的节省潜力), 而不必承担所有的财务风险.  这是可能的,被放置在一组其他健康, like-minded employers that provides an extra layer or stop loss protection.  We provided an educational session to learn about this new offering, 你可以看完整部吗 在这里,或者你可以观看正规澳门赌场appSTAR俘虏的描述 在这里.

Have you implemented strategies not mentioned 在这里 that you’d like to share?  我们很想听听!  If you’d like more information on anything mentioned in this post, please 正规澳门赌场app.

